Unfortunately Medicare benefits are no longer a viable option as it is not enough to sustain the costs of running a practice. In order to facilitate our weekend hours we felt it necessary to supplement the Medicare bulkbilling fees.

As a result starting in March 2022, weekend consultations will no longer be bulkbilled and out-of-pocket fees will apply to all consults with the exception of Pensioners; Centrelink and DVA card holders and those under the age of 16. For those who pay an out-of-pocket fee, Medicare rebates will be processed for you on the spot for your convenience. Weekend fees will be as listed below:

Saturday before 1pm:

  • Consult <20 minutes: $75.00 (Medicare rebate of $39.10)
  • Consult >20 minutes: $100.00 (Medicare rebate of $75.75)

Saturday after 1pm & all-day Sunday:

  • Consult <20 minutes: $85.00 (Medicare rebate of $51.00)
  • Consult >20 minutes: $120.00 (Medicare rebate of $87.40)

For any queries, please speak to our lovely staff.


MediClinic Rouse Hill”

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