Range of Services
As well as routine consultations, the following services are available.
- Women Health including family planning, Pap Smears, Antenatal and Post natal care and Men’s Health
- Child Health & Immunisations
- Aged Care
- Mental Health and Psychological Care
- Indigenous Health
- Chronic Disease Management, Enhanced Primary Care Plans (EPC) for Diabetes, Asthma & many more
- ECG, Spirometry
- Vaccination: routine, travel, catch-up
- Certified Yellow fever vaccination centre
- On site Pathology
- Other Services
We can organize an interpreter through TIS National (131450) if you need one. We will also contact the Deaf Society (133677) if you need their assistance. Please advise the receptionist so that this can be arranged prior to your visit.
Test / Procedures Results
Patients should make an appointment to discuss their results.
Wheelchair Access
Wheelchair access is provided. A wheelchair is available for patients to use in the centre. However the wheelchair should stay within the premises.
Telehealth consults are available if you are eligible.
Car Parking
A free 3 hour car park is available around the centre and a disabled parking area is available right in front of the centre.
Pathology Collection Hours

Mon to Fri: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
Sat: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm